Wendy Sweet [PhD] MyMT™ Founder & Lifestyle Coach Tells Followers About “Dammit … It IS Menopause!”

When Wendy Sweet, [PhD] MyMT™ Founder & Lifestyle Coach, emailed me to let me know she read, “Dammit … It IS Menopause!”, I was elated! Here’s what she said …

“I spent the week delving into your books. How amazing are you to write, not one, but two books. I was so impressed that I weaved them into an article in my newsletter that went out to 130K women around the world today. 😊 … How amazing that you did this. I’m so proud of you.”

Wait, what?! Yes, I had read that right … she shared “Dammit … It IS Menopause!” with 130,000 menopausal, perimenopausal and post-menopausal women around the world! Here is the link to the article:


Hope you enjoy it as much as I did! 

Sally Bartlett, ©2021


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