
Amazon's best seller

#1 Best Seller in Amazon Categories:

  • Menopause
  • Aging
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  • Women's health
  • Meditation
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  • Weight loss maintenance
  • Self-help

J.C., California


"I loved IS Menopause even though I am now post menopausal. I didn’t think about menopause too much [at the time I was going through it] because I didn’t have time. All I know was everything was fine until my youngest child moved out. I never had my period again when she left. So then I had to deal with the void of her being gone, my mom passing (one month later), and menopause. So I just worked harder at work. Now that I have free time, I’m having to face all the things I ran from. This book helps me do that."

Dammit ... it IS Menopause! - Meditations for Women to Achieve Clarity and Confidence Beyond Their Wildest Dreams

VolumeĀ 1


Want to feel like yourself again? In volume I, I discuss my early awarenesses about peri-menopause and aging, and how I came to terms with them, and eventually embraced them like crazy. I turned them into a whole Varsity Menopause movement.

At the onset of perimenopause, I felt terribly alone and feared I was losing my mind. I began writing because I didn't want other women to have to go through what I did. so I wrote a light-hearted yet solutions-oriented, spiritual resource so you don't have to feel alone!Ā 

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Dammit ... it IS Menopause! - Meditations for Women to Achieve Clarity and Confidence Beyond Their Wildest Dreams

Volume 2

It's time for you to make new contributions to the world. In volume 2, I address how I have gone out into the world and spread my wings. I invite you to do the same.” The secret to successful aging is sustained, daily self-care in minuscule increments through imperfect food choices and the rollercoaster of life. We always need to work at these and we still need each other on the journey.

I'm here to walk with you! 



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K.S California

"Thank you for this gift of your guidance. There is so much applicable to MY age! Even thought I'm way past "menopause". Just want to say thank you and I think this IS my new daily meditation book!"

E.W., California

I woke up this Monday feeling like I didn't want to get out of bed but then started beating myself up for not wanting to get out of bed. I grabbed your book and started reading it and began to smile and giggle a little. I didn't feel so alone. Thank you!

"You ask yourself, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?"

- Marianne Williamson 

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